ICHDE to disclose with mortgage lenders, creditors, servicers, and others including Counseling Agencies my credit report and any “nonpublic personal information” that I have provided, including any computations and assessments that have been produced based upon such information.
I also acknowledge that I have received a copy of ICHDE’s Privacy Policy and I understand that I may revoke my consent to these disclosures by notifying ICHDE in writing.
I agree to participate in foreclosure mitigation counseling offered by ICHDE. I understand that foreclosure mitigation counseling will include a written Action Plan consisting of recommendations for handling my situation. I may be referred to another agency or agencies as appropriate that may be able to assist with particular concerns that have been identified. Such agencies may include Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA). Should I be a candidate for the Delaware Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (DEMAP), I authorize them to be able to contact my lender(s) to discuss pertinent information relating to me being able to access DEMAP. A Homeownership Educator may answer questions and provide information, but not give legal advice. If I want legal advice, I will be referred for appropriate assistance. I understand that I am not obligated to use any of the services offered to me.
In consideration for receiving the services that ICHDE offers, I agree to hold ICHDE and the Homeownership Counselor free and harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities and legal action. ICHDE’s services are considered “Best Efforts” and in no way imply or guarantee that any loss mitigation will be forthcoming.
I understand that it is the policy of ICHDE to administer and offer its housing services to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, handicap, or familial status; and that ICHDE encourages and supports affirmative advertising and marketing.
If I have a legal issue directly related to my foreclosure, delinquency, or short sale, I understand that my housing counselor may refer me for legal assistance with NFMC program funds. If I choose to accept that referral, I give permission for my housing counselor and attorney to share my file as permitted by the state law and the Bar’s applicable Rules of Professional Conduct:
- Submit client-level information relating to this grant to the NFMC data collection system (the “Data Collection System”),
- Open files to be reviewed for program monitoring and compliance purposes, and
- conduct follow-up with client related to the program evaluation.
We will also provide an option to opt out of item (iii) and retain the option in client files.
Furthermore, I understand that ICHDE receives Congressional funds through the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) Program and, as such, is required to share some of my personal information with NFMC program administrators or their agents for purposes of program monitoring, compliance and evaluation. I give permission for NFMC program administrators and/or their agents to pull my credit report up to two additional times within the next three years. I give permission for NFMC program administrators and/or their agents to follow-up with me within the next three years for the purpose of program evaluation.