I/We agree to participate in the homeownership counseling/education program offered by Interfaith Community Housing of Delaware, Inc. (ICHDE). I/we understand that this program will be tailored to my/our individual needs, and is a suggested plan of action in order to become a successful homeowner.
I/We understand that ICHDE housing counselors may discuss pertinent information about my/our credit report, financial background, employment status, or related family issues that may be necessary to help obtain a home mortgage. All information will remain confidential and will not be divulged unless necessary. I/We have applied for homeownership/credit counseling from ICHDE. As part of the process, ICHDE may verify information contained in my/our credit file and other documents required in connection with the counseling process. I/We authorize others to provide to ICHDE any and all information and documentation that they request. Such information includes, but not limited to, employment history and income, bank, money market, and similar account balances, credit history, and copies of income tax returns. ICHDE may address this authorization to any art named on my credit file or application. A copy of this authorization may be accepted as an original.
I/We also understand that ICHDE is not a lending institution and therefore cannot guarantee that I/we will be approved for a mortgage. This agreement is no way binds ICHDE to take any action on my/our behalf nor does it relieve me/us from my/our obligation to act on my/our own behalf. I/We understand that ICHDE in not representing any creditor, lender or credit bureau and is in no way responsible or liable for clearing any dispute information that may be contained with a credit report. ICHDE does not solely recommend or endorse housing counseling/education program, and you are under no obligation to purchase a property from ICHDE.
I/We understand that it is policy of ICHDE to administer and offer its housing services to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, nation origin, handicap, or familial status, and ICHDE encourages and supports affirmative advertising and marketing.
I/We have received a copy of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Federal Housing Administration “Get A Home Inspection” sheet and “Ten Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector” sheet. I/We have received the lead hazard information pamphlet titled “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” which complies with the Notification requirement, Section 35.1010 of 24 CFR 35 of the current HUD Lead Based Paint regulations.